The 35th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS 2026) are passionate about increasing the sustainability across all aspects of the congress.
Our “Mission Zero” vision is to develop congress with zero waste to landfills and zero net carbon emissions that are a role model for social and environmental responsibility.
Our principles
1. Eliminate waste, emissions and pollution
2. Recycle materials and products
3. Use our sustainability efforts to improve participants’ event experience
4. Switch to more sustainable materials
Our partners
ICC Sydney
ICC Sydney is committed to reducing the environmental impact of hosting conferences and events. ICC Sydney is part of the first precinct in the world to be awarded the highest accolade of 6 stars under the Green Building of Australia’s Green Star Communities certification. ICC Sydney also received an ISO 45001 certification, which no other convention centre has achieved.
QANTAS has developed ‘Future Planet’ initiatives that are aimed at cutting down fuel consumption through improved aircraft efficiency techniques – data analysis, reduced aircraft weight, the use of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) and electric service vehicles on the ground.
Sydney Airport
Sydney Airport’s sustainability approach is rated in the top 15% for its industry by the Dow Jones Sustainability Index. The Airport is considered an industry leader, with an AA rating from the
MSCI ESG Indices, and a Level 3 Airport Carbon Accreditation.