13–18 September 2026
ICC Sydney, Australia

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About ICAS 2026

The 35th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS 2026) will be held on 13-18 September 2026 at the International Convention & Exhibition Centre, Sydney, Australia.

The ICAS congress is a biennial event which brings together world’s aeronautics experts and the entire international scientific aerospace community to discuss, understand and compare worldwide scientific and technological advances.

The Congress provides the ideal opportunity to move aeronautical research and technology progressively forward, particularly with regards to the environment and sustainable development. Up-to-date scientific achievements in aeronautics and priority projects to design new generation aircraft and engines, constitute essential topics of the Congress and reflect the aspirations of the aeronautical community.

Congress Host Bodies

The International Council of Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS)    

What is the International Council of Aeronautical Sciences?

  • It was founded by Theodore von Kármán in 1957.
  • It is a non-government, not-for-profit organization that facilitates and encourages the free exchange of information on aeronautical research and technology at a global level.
  • It is the global organization supporting aeronautical engineering professional societies and associated organizations from around 30 countries.
  • It organizes a major biennial Congress presenting timely, high-quality work from the world-wide research community covering all aspects of aeronautical science and technology and their application to both military and aviation.
  • All papers presented at Congress are included in electronic publication available at the Congress. In addition, the ICAS electronic archive, containing over five thousand documents, is freely available to the world-wide aeronautics’ community.
  • The ICAS Congress provides a unique forum for engineers and scientists from all over the world to meet, to hear the results of the latest research and to exchange ideas and information. It also provides an opportunity for young engineers and students to develop an international network of colleagues.

For more information, please visit the ICAS website: Home (icas.org)

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Royal Aeronautical Society Australian Division (RAeSAD)

As the oldest global Aerospace Society, the Royal Aeronautical Society is a prominent, independent, authoritative body that has influence on issues confronting today’s aerospace community. We foster expertise and professionalism through education, consultation, networking and recognition, by participating in government and industry body forums, conducting professional conferences/seminars, through industry promotion and measured advocacy and by briefing the media the Society plays an important role in raising the profile of, and connecting the participants across, the aerospace community.

For more information, please visit the RAeSAD website: Home (raes.org.au)

Member Societies